Centuries Past

Research & Notes on a Family Tree

Kentwell Hall

Engraving of Kentwell Hall, Suffolk, England, where successive generations of the Clopton family lived from c1375.


This site is devoted to finding and documenting the ancestry of our family with over 5000 ancestors listed. Most of our research is in the UK but some of the family have branched out to the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

If you find a family connection here and wish to submit information, amendments, stories, etc please let us know by clicking on the 'suggest' tab near the top of each individual's page, or click on the 'Centuries Past - Contact Us' link at the bottom of each page.

Please note that information relating to living individuals is not publicly viewable.

Luccombe Bay

Painting by Charles John Pugh (1758 - 1837), of Luccombe Bay, Isle of Wight, England.